Critical Thinking - Level 1

Welcome to our Critical Thinking Program, designed to cultivate young minds through hands-on activities, problem-solving exercises, and engaging challenges.

Throughout the year, students will embark on an exciting journey from basic concepts to advanced problem-solving strategies.

Skills Your Child Will Learn:

Level 1 A: Foundations of Thinking - Detective Training

Problem-Solving,:Logical Thinking, Spatial Reasoning, Pattern Recognition

Level 1 B: Problem-Solving Tools - Junior Engineers

Measurement, Direction and Movement, Hands-on Engineering:, Critical Observation:

Level1 C: Advanced Thinking Skills - Mini Thinkers

Advanced Logic, Deductive Reasoning, Strategy Games, Problem-Solving Projects:

Course Overview

Total Program - 3 trimester |36 weeks

Sub -levels - Level 1 A | Level 1B | Level 1 C

Suitable for students - Grade 1 -2

Weekly Class time: 50 minutes

Fees : $ 720 / per trimester (12 classes)